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Our Homes

Take a tour of our sober-living homes virtually while reading some testimonials.
 We hope to assist you here soon.


Lynda S.

When I arrived at Women of Worth, I was homeless, unemployed, and hopeless from being addicted for multiple years. When I met Ms. Young, she opened her doors and her heart to me. In my time living there, with her help and being in a safe, clean, and healthy environment, I was able to turn my life completely around. I developed a relationship with God, and worked a program of recovery. Since graduating Women of Worth, I am now 2 years in recovery, I have a career and my own place to live. Women of Worth did for me what nothing or no one else could ever do and I am forever grateful! I have my life back.


Heather B.

My life was out of control when I arrived at Women of Worth recovery, I was homeless and lost and addicted to drugs. I came in with an open mind and learned how to live without the use of drugs. Ms. Nancy taught me so much and is a mentor to me. I have now been clean for over 3 years and have my own apartment, and I am expecting my second son! I love my life now that I am at peace with myself and have a good relationship with God!



Beth D.

I have been battling a crack addiction for over a decade and gave away everything before I went to the Salvation Army ARC Program. After spending 7 months there and graduating the program, I moved into sober living at WOW Recovery. I've been with Ms. Nancy ever since. I've found God and I am free from my addictions today. Ms. Nancy is my inspiration and mentor. I plan to make a career out of helping other addicts and alcoholics the same way Ms. Nancy has and I'm looking forward to the journey ahead. God is good all the time!

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